February 7, 2025, MirrorIndy
Finding a job is one of the most difficult parts of reentry. The federal government estimates that for every four people released from incarceration, three will still be looking for a job a year later. And the rules around what employers can do when job applicants have a criminal record leave gray areas.
May 24, 2024 , The Criterion, Archdiocese of Indianapolis Corrections Ministries
Nancy Cotterill's blog post, "Should all lifers be lifers? Program offers a second chance for a new life" was reprinted in The Criterion with permission from 2nd Chance Indiana.
August 25, 2023, Indianapolis Business Journal, By Taylor Wooten, IBJ Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved, IBJ Photo/Chad Williams
Amid a nationwide worker shortage, central Indiana employers are increasingly taking a chance on new hires who have been arrested or convicted of a crime...