Our donors are people who follow the Biblical mandate of Hebrews 13:3, that says “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them."
2nd Chance Indiana can provide job preparation training along with mentoring prior to release and connections to employers willing to offer a second chance with continued mentoring after release, but if the reentrant can't afford reliable transportation to get to work, he will lose his job. FACT: 89% of those rearrested within 3 years of release are unemployed at the time of arrest. Zippia
We cannot let this happen for the sake of the reentrant, the spouse, and especially for their children for whom a working parent not only supplies a foundation of economic stability, but also provides a map for them to follow that they might understand how the dignity of work is better than living on government subsidies, that are never enough. FACT: Children of an incarcerated parent are 5 times more likely to become incarcerated themselves. Rutgers
$15 per Day
$75 per Week
It costs $75 to transport a reentrant to and from work for a week. You can provide one person with a ride to work and back home for one week or every week for an entire year.
$325 per Month
It costs $325 to transport a reentrant to and from work for a month. You can provide one person with a ride to work and back home for one month, for a full year, or more.
Or, if you just want to support all of 2nd Chance Indiana's work, Click on the “Donate Now” button below and set up a donation (one time or recurring) from your credit card or directly from your checking account via e-check to The 2nd Chance Indiana Fund! Your tax receipt will be sent to you in a timely manner, and you will know you are helping those who need a second chance at life every day.
The RoundUp app makes it easy for donors to give to give a second chance to those who have made a mistake and are returning from incarceration. We train them, connect them to jobs, and mentor them all along the way.
Click Here to donate your spare change and help us transform lives and restore economic strength to families.
*Unite Indy, Inc., dba 2nd Chance Indiana (EIN No. 81-4675693) approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity. Donors can deduct contributions under IRC Section 170. Thank You!
Your one-time donation will strengthen our efforts to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work. Please consider the families you will bless when you write a check in any amount to 2nd Chance Indiana* and mail to 241 W. 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208. You will receive a receipt for your tax deductible charitable contribution, or donate through the “Donate Now” button above, and make a donation by credit card!
*Unite Indy, Inc., dba 2nd Chance Indiana (EIN No. 81-4675693) approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity. Donors can deduct contributions under IRC Section 170. Thank You!
If you work for a purpose-driven company that enables workplace giving and provides a match from the company, please let your employer know that you would like to help those who need a second chance after incarceration by giving to 2nd Chance Indiana. We are reducing recidivism and rebuilding lives through the dignity of work!
*Unite Indy, Inc., dba 2nd Chance Indiana (EIN No. 81-4675693) approved under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) as a Public Charity. Donors can deduct contributions under IRC Section 170. Thank You!