As a 2nd Chance Indiana Employer Partner, your company can enjoy the benefits of increased and full employment - enabling you to fill orders and meet production deadlines as you also make a significant life-changing impact on those who need a second chance.
After the release of a landmark study comparing on-the-job performance of those with a criminal record and those with no record, many businesses joined more than 40 other 2nd Chance Indiana Employer Partners who are offering jobs to reentrants. The study, conducted by researchers from Butler University's Lacy School of Business, confirmed what others had observed... Reentrants make good employees with no statistical difference between their performance and that of employees without records. To read the study Click Here!
Once you hire a reentrant, the No. 1 obstacle to keeping him/her is that most lack affordable and dependable transportation. Through 2nd Chance Indiana's Reentry Transportation Program, grant dollars might be available to enable your company to provide transportation to and from work daily.
2nd Chance Indiana Employer Partners are invited to participate in job fairs that, according to the businesses that been invovled, have been highly productive. A strong collaboration with Indiana Department of Correction, HIRE, Parole District 3, Marion County Reentry Coalition, Martin University, and others has repeatedly drawn hundreds of eager-to-work reentrants.
Extending a second chance job to an ex-offender can also enable your company to
benefit from the Work Opportunity TaxCredit, see Work Opportunity Tax Credit - Indiana Guidance or Work Opportunity Tax Credit - Per IRS, while minimizing your risk through The Federal Bonding Program, see The Federal Bonding Program - Indiana Guidance or The Federal Bonding Program as established by the U.S. Department of Labor, which covers the first six months of employment at no cost to the job applicant or to the employer.
Once your organization has committed to giving second chances to reentrants, 2nd Chance Indiana will provide you, at no charge, with:
To learn how to have us start posting your Jobs Available, at no charge, and/or how to start benefitting from our grant-supported Reentry Transportation Program, please complete the form below.