Jim's Quotes

Jim Cotterill co-founded 2nd Chance Indiana (as UNITE INDY) in late 2016. After a decade as the founding president of National Christian Foundation Indiana following several years developing a chain of Business Journals across the country, he and his wife, Nancy, were led to serve those coming out of long term incarceration by helping them find and keep jobs that pay a living wage. Jim and Nancy believe that, through the dignity of work, reentrants' lives can be changed and their families can be lifted out of poverty.

"Don't you realize you're violating our privileges here? When we're asked to leave, we leave!"

—Charles Coleson

Tags: Forgiveness,

30 MAR, 2018

Father forgive them for they know not what they do."-JesusAs T. D. Jakes said, "The amazing thing about Easter is that Christ in his dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible." This highest act of love came at the greatest cost to the least deserving of people and continues to this day. So, remind the children that Easter is not about a bunny, it's about The Lamb through whom we receive living hope and forgiveness daily.As Spring finally breaks through in Indiana, let's face our challenges with renewed energy, knowing God is on the throne and Jesus' love can still be made new through us as we respect, love, care for, and forgive each other.I am grateful for you all!Happy Easter,Jim"...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

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2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.