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What's your plan today?

June 20, 2021

There are two voices in that head of yours. Humph, you say. Well, there are. There's the voice that wants go to that party and the other voice that says "better not." There's the voice who takes offense at someone's actions, and the other voice that sees it from the other guy's perspective and realizes it's your ego that is really bothering you. Who among us has not experienced the voice of warning in times of danger and of conscience in times of temptation, but has shrugged off the nudges...

There are two voices in that head of yours. Humph, you say. Well, there are. There's the voice that wants go to that party and the other voice that says "better not." There's the voice who takes offense at someone's actions, and the other voice that sees it from the other guy's perspective and realizes it's your ego that is really bothering you.

Who among us has not experienced the voice of warning in times of danger and of conscience in times of temptation, but has shrugged off the nudges when the voice offers the opportunity to go out of our way for someone? We get nudged to offer help to a friend who is moving, but we have a plan for that day. We get a nudge to mow the lady's lawn next door when she is in the hospital, but we don't. We have a plan and it isn't mowing an extra lawn. Those inclinations toward good works? Those are God Nudges, folks.

HMMM�Christian talk. God Nudges? It's a call to do something and do it now. You don't wait for three signs from God and an angel to appear in the sky. You just do it because sometimes your promptness is important to the plan He has for someone and you are just lucky to be a part of it. One night that happened to a Chicago preacher.

Three times he woke up with the crazy idea of going down to Union Station and preach. The third time he knew this was SOMETHING. So he got up, dressed and soon was down in the bowels of this huge train station, preaching his heart out in the middle of the night to an empty room.

Years passed. When asked to join a group going to hear the great evangelist Billy Sunday speak, he went and was stunned. Reverend Sunday told how he was feeling lost and alone sitting behind a pillar in the basement of Union Station in Chicago in the middle of the night when a man came down and preached the Gospel to an otherwise empty room, changing his life. Sunday had been a baseball player, at the time. Not great, not terrible, but when he heard the preacher again on the street the next day he left center field for good and became the most powerful evangelist of the era, inspiring the conversions of an estimated 300,000 people over the years.

We're not all going to get a nudge like that, but even a nudge to perform a small kindness can change a life. Oprah Winfrey said as a young girl she was introverted because she believed she was ugly until a stranger stopped in front of her in church one day, taking Oprah's chin in her hand, and said, "you are a beautiful child." She says that small kindness changed everything about how she saw herself.

We Christians get together and talk in our "Christian language" that I fear can put some people off. The words are foreign and sound odd or silly. "God Nudge" might have hit you the same way. But every human being gets these nudges. Whether you know it or not, the second voice in your head is the great I Am. No one is exempt. Everyone has a God-given plan for his life and every human being is a participant in the plans of others.

Our lives are holy puzzle pieces. You don't want to be the piece that got lost on the floor,

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJV

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