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The Day The Red Sea Parted

March 21, 2018

Last Saturday morning I was really late. I had promised my granddaughter that I would come to North Central High School to watch her show choir compete in state competitions. You know the song, "There is power in the name of Jesus?" Well let me tell you, it's true. I got to the school with something like 12 minutes to go. There were not hundreds of cars, there were thousands of cars...

Last Saturday morning I was really late. I had promised my granddaughter that I would come to North Central High School to watch her show choir compete in state competitions. You know the song, "There is power in the name of Jesus?" Well let me tell you, it's true.

I got to the school with something like 12 minutes to go. I was supposed to enter through door 31 on the west side of the building, but of course, parking attendants directed me to the east side. There were not hundreds of cars, there were thousands of cars. It was a sea of cars.

I was told to drive around the back of the building to get over to door 31. Ok. Just so you know, you need GPS to do that. There are five or six roads that look like they'll take you to the east side of the building but they don't. I took almost all of them.

Eight minutes to go. So, I said those words... "Jesus get me in that seat before they perform!" I'll save you all the reasons why I could not find a place to park on the east side of the building either, I'll just say there were acres of fully occupied parking spots. So, I decided to see if I could just find door 31. Minutes tick past.

This is where the water parted: There was a PARKING SPACE IN FRONT OF DOOR 31—not another spot for a mile. Legal. With yellow stripes on each side. I'm sure angels were singing. Four minutes to go. Thank You God.

Ok. Get in, buy a ticket. Now I find I didn't bring enough cash and they don't take credit cards. I couldn't believe it. After all that. My special parking spot and I still can't get in. I know my son is waiting by the auditorium door, but I don't have the ticket. I'm starting to sweat.

Then a woman (potentially wearing a halo) comes up to me and offers me A TICKET. She said, "just give it back when you leave". Who does that?

I got there. I got there with two minutes to spare and watched my granddaughter's classmates cheer these girls onto the stage and saw them sing and dance like Broadway stars. At that moment I knew that I knew that I knew that it was a miracle that I was actually sitting in that seat before they took the stage and the doors closed.

The wiser I get (I'll skip the older I get part) the more I have personal proof that God is not just in the universe-building business. He is in the small things that affect our daily lives. When we give up control and completely depend on Him, he comes through every time.


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