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Jesus Would Be So Proud

May 22, 2019

I found this special pronouncement online next to a picture of Jesus. Here it is: "You are going to Hell if you are not a member of our FREE online church The True Body of Christ Restored. You can access our entire website without being a member." I'm no expert, and normally, I won't be telling people what they should and shouldn't believe, but I'm going to go out on a limb here. The folks who put this little message online are either confused, troubled, or possibly just nuts. I listened to their video message and learned that although the website could be viewed for free, (yippee), the part where you "avoid going to hell" requires membership for which you are to pay them $100 every month...

I found this special pronouncement online next to a picture of Jesus.

Here it is: "You are going to Hell if you are not a member of our FREE online church The True Body of Christ Restored. You can access our entire webs without being a member."

I'm no expert, and normally, I won't be telling people what they should and shouldn't believe, but I'm going to go out on a limb here. The folks who put this little message online are either confused, troubled, or possibly just nuts.

I listened to their video message and learned that although the website could be viewed for free, (yippee), the part where you "avoid going to hell" requires membership for which you are to pay them $100 every month. The promised answer as to why we were all going to hell was not delivered in the introductory video, so one must seek out more of this pastor's reasoning to find out.

Frankly, I think I'll pass. He has judged us and we are guilty. That's all you really need to know.

To most of us, this statement is so ridiculous it is funny. But there's a part of me that thinks at least he is honest. He truly believes unless you believe his take on the Bible and send him $100 every month, you'll go to Hell and he backs that up with a long list of scriptures.

What is not so funny, is that I know many Christians—upstanding, well-known Christians who think the same way. Oh, they may not need your money, and won't generally come out and tell you you are going to Hell, but they think it and act in a way that minimizes and excludes others. Loaded down with bushels full of judgement, they happily dole it out to anyone who doesn't agree with every jot and tittle of their belief system.

Here's a little reminder: Matthew 7:1 says "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Our faith is under attack by the world, yet Christians attack other Christians on a regular basis. Jesus would be so proud.


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