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If You really have a plan for us

May 7, 2019

How many of us have looked to the heavens and said these words. "Lord, if you really have a plan for us," heal our child, help me with this debt, make the flooding stop, save my marriage. You name it, we've asked.These two kids got a quick and amazing answer when they said those words. One caveat: If you are skeptical of the power of God, you should stop reading. You won't like this story...

How many of us have looked to the heavens and said these words. "Lord, if you really have a plan for us," heal our child, help me with this debt, make the flooding stop, save my marriage. You name it, we've asked.

These two kids got a quick and amazing answer when they said those words. One caveat: If you are skeptical of the power of God, you should stop reading. You won't like this story. You will be sure this is some kind of cosmic coincidence or maybe just a lie.

But for those who have witnessed miracles in their own lives—well you're going to love this.

On April 18th Tyler Smith and April Brown were enjoying Senior Skip Day at Vilano Beach near St. Augustine, FL. They'd been attending Christ's Church Academy and had known each other since they were children. As they were swimming, they realized the tides were carrying them further and further from the shore and although they were strong swimmers, they couldn't fight the current and continued to be swept out to sea.

The water was choppy that day and no boats were on the horizon. They were now two miles from the beach and April was losing strength. Tyler began trying to hold her up above the waves and looked to the skies shouting to God, "If You really have a plan for us, send us something!"

"Over all the wind, waves, and engines, we thought we heard a desperate voice," said Erick Wagner who turned his boat in the direction of the teens. Exhausted and near the end, Tyler and April were pulled onto the boat. Tyler told them he had been calling out for God's help. He said, "Then you showed up."

Because of the white caps, Wagner said they had considered not going out that day, but something told them to go ahead when no one else had ventured out. "We got them on board and heard they had been praying. They were weak, but they started to cry when I told them the name of my boat.

The name of his boat is "Amen."

Things don't always work out the way we'd like. Children do get sick, marriages do fail. For many of us life is not a day at the beach. But even in those times, God is with us. And, once in a while He shows up so miraculously and magnificently, we are reminded again that He holds us in the palm of His hand and He has a good plan for our lives.


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