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Gratefulness Cures Grumpy

November 21, 2018

We all know someone who is terminally grouchy. The sun can be shining, they might have people who love them all around, but really, for them, nothing is ever good enough to raise a smile. They probably think Thanksgiving is a huge bother. There are groceries to buy, food to prepare and of course, there will be lots of dirty dishes. Hopefully, you are not that guy. But we all have that tendency. We cast aside all that is good in our lives and concentrate solely on any problems...

We all know someone who is terminally grouchy. The sun can be shining, they might have people who love them all around, but really, for them, nothing is ever good enough to raise a smile. They probably think Thanksgiving is a huge bother. There are groceries to buy, food to prepare and of course, there will be lots of dirty dishes.

Hopefully, you are not that guy. But we all have that tendency. We cast aside all that is good in our lives and concentrate solely on any problems we have. Perhaps that is why the Bible mentions thankfulness or giving thanks 144 times. I know a woman with Multiple Sclerosis. Every day she makes a list of the top 10 things she is grateful for. She says it has completely changed her life.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says it pretty clearly: "Give thanks in all circumstances." All? Really. Why is that so important? It is important because the God who set the planets in the heavens knows that when we give thanks, we reorder our minds to take the focus off life's inevitable problems, and on the wonder and glory and gifts of the life we have. We are then in a position to enjoy our lives and those around us.

When you come down to it, Thanksgiving is a celebration of the virtue of gratitude. A celebration of all that is right in our world. As we flex our gratitude muscles we make them stronger, enabling us all to see past the difficulties so that we can focus on the light. So be sure you show appreciation. It is the antidote to grumpy, a cure all for the blahs.

Let all your important people know you value them Give thanks to your parents, to your children, to those you work with and those who work for you. Say it out loud. "I am really grateful for all you do." Say "Thank you." Never expect people to just know you are grateful. Usually they won't just know it.

And let me say to you: Thank you. Thank you for following my blog, for your donations to UNITE INDY, and for using to volunteer and to give needed items to local ministries and charities. Thank you also for the love you share to all those in your life. May your Thanksgiving be full to overflowing with the love that God has put in your heart and may you know His goodness and bounty this whole year through.


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