Blog Posts

Fighting the Good Fight

October 7, 2018

All of us are fighting the good fight. There are small and large caring ministries and charities all over Indianapolis working every day to help others. They struggle for volunteers and often for the money necessary to do their work. These people aren't worried about getting awards, they are worried about people getting hungry, cold or shot. We at UNITE INDY know from living in this town for 40+ years that most people don't know how big the needs are. They don't know about the...

All of us are fighting the good fight. There are small and large caring ministries and charities all over Indianapolis working every day to help others. They struggle for volunteers and often for the money necessary to do their work. These people aren't worried about getting awards, they are worried about people getting hungry, cold or shot.

We at UNITE INDY know from living in this town for 40+ years that most people don't know how big the needs are. They don't know about the closure of places where homeless people live and what that means. They can't fathom that a young man might not know what to say or wear to a job interview, keeping him unemployed and tempted to commit crimes. They don't think there is a way to stop generational poverty, and frankly these are issues they know little about.

In January, UNITE INDY will receive a wonderful award that recognizes those who fight racial disparities, prejudices, and promote diversity. It is called the Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Award and we'll receive it in January at the 2019 Champions of Diversity Awards Dinner. We are all so honored.

But we know there are so many who work tirelessly touching lives everyday who—like us—do all they can to build bridges of relationships between all our many different communities. We work with them, share stories of sorrow and victory, puzzle over problems, and work to make things better. We move the needle a little in the right direction with every step, carrying the same banner of love, care, grace and peace.

Part of our mission at UNITE INDY is to promote the work of those organizations as change makers and care takers, so others will support them and perhaps volunteer. UNITE INDY's Volunteer Opportunities. We do this through a city-wide web site that someday will connect all major non-profits, businesses and churches. We also publish and distribute magazines that educate our citizens about the crises we face on subjects like race relations, poverty, unemployment, drug addiction and other menaces that ruin lives in our city so that everyone can know the needs we face.

Perhaps one of our most meaningful efforts is Serving the Servants, which helps lighten the burden born by urban and inner city pastors. These are people who are on the front lines 24/7. Through UNITE INDY they have gained access to many personal and professional services and even sources that will supply a fill-in preacher so they can plan a vacation once in a while.

These things add up.

Maybe someday UNITE INDY will give awards too. We'll give them to all those who have impressed us so greatly with their open-hearted commitment to others through the work they do. In the meantime, we say a heartfelt thank you to those who saw our work and plan to bless us with recognition.


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2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.