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It's Christmas: Celebrate Non-Judgement Day!

December 21, 2018

I saw a bumpersticker yesterday that said "Non-Judgement Day is Near". At first it rattled my sensibilities--challenging as it was to my Christian training. But, after a thought or two, it brought a smile to my lips as I came to agree. Non-judgement day is not only near it has been here for a long time. At this time of year, it only seems appropriate to celebrate non-judgment day as a part of Christmas...

I saw a bumpersticker yesterday that said "Non-Judgement Day is Near". At first it rattled my sensibilities—challenging as it was to my Christian training. But, after a thought or two, it brought a smile to my lips as I came to agree.

Non-judgement day is not only near it has been here for a long time. At this time of year, it only seems appropriate to celebrate non-judgment day as a part of Christmas. When Christ was born we were introduced to God on earth. A God who loved everyone and met them where they were—in whatever sinful place (Saul of Tarsus) and whatever weakened state they were in (the man at the Pool of Bethesda). He welcomed sinners and unbelievers, the faithful and the faithless. If He judged them you'll have a hard time finding evidence in the Gospels. Even when He overturned tables and stormed through the temple, His anger was clearly aimed at the wrong-doing, not the people involved.

Although we may face judgement day, it never was our job to do the judging. Our job is to emulate the God-man who loved everyone. Too often we fall terribly short, spending our time measuring those around us by whatever biased yardstick we carry. How free are we when we can shuck the job of sizing everyone up when we can quit worrying about economic status, where someone works, who they know, where or if they worship, what they look like, where they went to school, etc. etc., etc.

Use that "Get out of Judgement-Jail Free" card that came with the blessing and model of Jesus and give yourself the gift of non-judgment this Christmas as we celebrate the great freedom we have as forgiven children of the Most High God.

Merry Christmas everyone,


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