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A Letter From Prison

November 11, 2019

Many people know that as a result of a UNITE INDY publication that was sent to a prisoner at Putnamville Correctional Facility, I received a letter from an inmate named Jesse. Since then, we have written two or three letters a week back and forth for a couple of years. Letter writing produces a special kind of relationship. Many have wondered what kind of letters I get from him so I decided to share this with you...

Many people know that as a result of a UNITE INDY publication that was sent to a prisoner at Putnamville Correctional Facility, I received a letter from an inmate named Jesse. Since then, we have written two or three letters a week back and forth for a couple of years.

Letter writing produces a special kind of relationship. I have "mom" privileges and he receives my encouragement and care and even guidance with grace.

Many have wondered what kind of letters I get from him so I decided to share this with you so you could better understand this person and why prison reform for people like him is so necessary. We have recently secured a hearing to rule on a potential mitigation of sentence, so this is a hopeful missive. If the mitigation goes through, Jesse could be released as early as next month. Here's the letter I received yesterday, only slightly edited.

Dear Nancy,
Hi my friend! How are you doing today?? Prayerfully, this has found you smiling. :) While too, daily being filled with the bliss and blessings of our gracious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To God be the glory, Amen.

Well, I finally signed the Progress Report I begged my caseworker to do, even though it was her last day. She was quitting this facility to work at another one. So as a compromise, I settled for a very basic one. It was either that or hoping that someone else would do it and with all the personnel changes going on around [here] right now, that just wasn't an option.

So anyway, the next step is for the Classification department to process it and forward it to the court. I wrote Ms. T. Gibson, the Supervisor for that department and asked her to inform me of how that process will go. Hopefully it won't take long!

Meanwhile, I just continue to pray for God's favor and that of the court. Because I will need much thereof to get them to see how far I've come over the years and who I am now as opposed to who I used to be. Especially where it regards my conduct history which is quite extensive [and] another reason why I'm so glad it's all in God's hands and not solely left up to them. Putting God in the center of all that I am and do is vital to me. And I will carry that within my soul all of my life.

For it is truly by His grace that I am here today, alive and well. Having got through all these years attached to His gracious love and mercy. And I'm ready to sing and speak of His goodness each and every opportunity I am blessed with.

O' what a Thanksgiving it's going to be this year! Praise God, Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus!!! Nancy, it's like I can hear the Holy Spirit saying unto my soul in this final preparation, "Arise, for this matter belongeth unto thee: We also will be with thee: Be of good courage, and do it." - Ezra 10:4

For I know that God has taught me and I'm fully aware that the task ahead is mine. Therefore, with my faith and heart towards the Lord, I will daily rise up and face each of life's challenges with Heaven's grace.

O' Nancy, I can hardly wait to go to church with ya'll and worship beside you. Now, I lay it all out before the Lord and I worry not about what others think. Because He has been so Good to me. And I will never be afraid to let the world know it, especially in worship!

Well my friend, I won't keep you long. Please know that I will be praying for you. Take care and God Bless you and Jim.

Many Hugs Nancy,
Sincerely Your Friend, Jesse Doran Rosbia III

1 John 2:17 [And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.]

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