Jim's Quotes

Jim Cotterill co-founded 2nd Chance Indiana (as UNITE INDY) in late 2016. After a decade as the founding president of National Christian Foundation Indiana following several years developing a chain of Business Journals across the country, he and his wife, Nancy, were led to serve those coming out of long term incarceration by helping them find and keep jobs that pay a living wage. Jim and Nancy believe that, through the dignity of work, reentrants' lives can be changed and their families can be lifted out of poverty.
31 OCT, 2018

A place where Jews are not safe is a place where no one is safe."-Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-BurrowsEpiscopal Diocese of IndianapolisThe people streamed in. Traffic on Meridian Street was at a standstill at 5:30 Monday night. Standing room only was augmented by another great room where the proceedings were televised for all to see. It was The Greater Indianapolis Community Memorial Gathering To Honor Jews Killed in Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue where an attacker murdered 11 people and wounded six in the deadliest attack on Jews in U.S. history.Held at the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, it seemed like half the city was there and certainly there were clergy from every faith and politicians of every stripe.But closing statements by Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows said it all best. If all of us do not stand together, if we do not fight hatred at every turn, then every one of us is at risk. We cannot allow ourselves to be divid...

1 OCT, 2018

The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads."-Michael Che at the EmmysThe 70th Primetime Emmy Awards program opened a few days ago from Los Angeles with a slew of political jokes and jabs as expected, but one remark from comedian Michael Che left many viewers wondering why they had tuned in.You saw the quote: He said, "The only white people that thank Jesus are Republicans and ex-crackheads." Really? Has the name of the Son of God become so devalued in mainstream America that it is now cheap fodder for primetime comics? Pretty obviously the answer is yes.This is where we are today. It might have gotten laughs from Hollywood elites, but it is no joke. It was divisive and patently incorrect. This is a barometer of the sad state of a nation that no longer honors the powerful name of the One who saved us, a nation that continues to chip away at its own foundation like a dog chewing on its leg.A pastor I was talk...

30 AUG, 2018

I try real hard not to get between a dog and a fire hydrant."-Anonymous Public EmployeeIt seems today that we all find ourselves in this difficult place. There is no room for differing views. Families are divided over politics, leading otherwise loving people to attack each other verbally as if they could change the minds of their loved ones by regarding them with contempt. Churches limit their involvement with other congregations which hold even slightly differing opinions on points of belief. It's as if we love, love, love to hate.Let's step back and take a breath. In Timothy 2:23-24 the Bible tells us: "Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments...[we] must be kind to everyone," Hold up your hand if you've been dragged into a foolish and stupid argument over anything lately.The thing is, we are all different, coming from different places, causing us to think different things. The Word demands that we respect others, ...

31 JUL, 2018

It can't just be after their child is killed or arrested for a violent crime that somehow their parents care.They have to care before that."-IMPD Deputy Chief Christopher BaileyA couple of days ago the Indianapolis Police announced that they are tracking a group of 45 teenagers and young adults who have committed multiple acts of gun violence over the past year including murders, robberies and non-fatal assaults. They have been connected to at least 24 violent crimes, and in spite of a valiant effort by our police to be present and engaged in certain neighborhoods where violence is prevalent, they admit they can't stop this alone.Deputy Chief Bailey says a part of the issue is that some parents are not even aware that their kids are running around town with guns in their hands.Let's face it. These are generally young men who have not had a lot of advantages. But this is not a situation we can ignore. Anthony and Beatrice Beverly of Stop...

30 JUN, 2018

God began to move, as He does... He's famous for moving."-David Palmer, Purposeful DesignMy friend, David Palmer, said these words at our most recent UNITE INDY forum as he described how God moved to help him provide needed jobs for men he had met at Wheeler Mission. But last week this quote appeared again at the end of a letter from an inmate at Putnamville Correctional Facility who corresponds with my wife, Nancy.She had sent him the transcript of that forum on the employment crisis in our inner city - which he devoured. He is so anxious for a time when he can be free to work and live a normal life as a child of the Most High God, whom he quotes constantly in his letters.His name is Jesse, and 20 years ago he did some bad things as a result of a wretched childhood of crisis and lack. But today he is a model prisoner who lives in the Honor Ward. He is full to overflowing with the Word of God, through the tireless work of prison ministr...

31 MAY, 2018

I gave my life to Christ in the County jail, was baptized in that orange jump suit..."-Kurt MooreKurt Moore is now a successful businessman, but years ago after college he came back to his neighborhood in Indianapolis and decided to make money the easy way. He was arrested and charged with selling drugs and in possession of a firearm in the commission of a crime. Kurt went to Federal prison for 13 years.But the baptism stuck, and according to Kurt he would not have become the person he is today without the trouble that broke him and brought him to his knees. Today, he runs his business and takes teens who have never been out of the neighborhood to camp where they canoe and swim and just get to be kids. He hires ex-offenders because without that first job he got after prison, he might have slipped back.He'll tell you, his jail-house conversion never left him...it is his faith that drives him, and he'll always be grateful for that.Blessin...

30 APR, 2018

I'm so far past being angry and frustrated. I have to fight my way UP to those feelings. Leaching off family and friends is degrading when I should be, and want to be supporting myself."-Name WithheldWhile everyone in Washington is patting themselves on the back, touting the lowest black unemployment in years, there is still double the joblessness in the black community. Double that again in the poorest areas of our inner city. Then if you've been incarcerated, it is much worse. In Marion County alone there are around 140,000 ex-offenders who have almost no chance of finding work.They've paid their debt to society, but they cannot pay the debts associated with family responsibilities. Join us at the next UNITE INDY Forum: Indy's Urban Employment Crisis, May 15th at Brookside Community Church. It's a Tuesday, this is important. Register now."...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

30 MAR, 2018

Father forgive them for they know not what they do."-JesusAs T. D. Jakes said, "The amazing thing about Easter is that Christ in his dying moments on the cross gives us the greatest illustration of forgiveness possible." This highest act of love came at the greatest cost to the least deserving of people and continues to this day. So, remind the children that Easter is not about a bunny, it's about The Lamb through whom we receive living hope and forgiveness daily.As Spring finally breaks through in Indiana, let's face our challenges with renewed energy, knowing God is on the throne and Jesus' love can still be made new through us as we respect, love, care for, and forgive each other.I am grateful for you all!Happy Easter,Jim"...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

28 FEB, 2018

"God loves the hell out of us so we can love the hell out of others"-Colts Chaplain Ken JohnsonKen Johnson works to pastor some of the biggest men in Indianapolis. They are big physically and they make big money. As pastor to the Indianapolis Colts football team, he wants them to be big spiritually as well. To be men who put Galatians 5:14 to work in their lives, loving others generously and setting an example of what God's men and women do. Galatians 5:14 says..."For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself." Or, as Pastor Ken says..."Love the hell out of them." Hey, whatever works! Help spread the love of God. Email me. Work with us to UNITE INDY. I'd love to hear from you.God Bless,Jim"...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

31 JAN, 2018

"We are in a State of EMERGENCY!!17 BODIES DROPPED IN JANUARY 2018 VERSUS 9 IN JANUARY 2017.Including: A woman shot and pushed from a car Sunday afternoon in the parking lot of an east side store."-Anthony BeverlyAnthony Beverly is a soft-spoken man. You'll recognize him as the tall guy with three or four young men he is shepherding around, being the strong Christian male role model he truly is.He heads Stop the Violence Indianapolis, an organization that empowers people to take action to overcome poverty and violence.The reality is that guns have replaced gangs and the impact is tragic.Today we celebrate all those who are already actively working in our city to end gun violence including: Faith in Indiana, Live Free, The Fathers Foundation, Circle Up Indy, Pastor Denell Howard, Ten Point Coalition, Stop The Violence, and many many more. Email me. Work with us to UNITE INDY. I'd love to hear from you.God Bless,Jim"...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

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2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


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Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.