Jim's Quotes

Quote of the Month: July 2018

It can't just be after their child is killed or arrested for a violent crime that somehow their parents care.They have to care before that."-IMPD Deputy Chief Christopher BaileyA couple of days ago the Indianapolis Police announced that they are tracking a group of 45 teenagers and young adults who have committed multiple acts of gun violence over the past year including murders, robberies and non-fatal assaults. They have been connected to at least 24 violent crimes, and in spite of a valiant effort by our police to be present and engaged in certain neighborhoods where violence is prevalent, they admit they can't stop this alone.Deputy Chief Bailey says a part of the issue is that some parents are not even aware that their kids are running around town with guns in their hands.Let's face it. These are generally young men who have not had a lot of advantages. But this is not a situation we can ignore. Anthony and Beatrice Beverly of Stop...
It can't just be after their child is killed or arrested for a violent crime that somehow their parents care.
They have to care before that."

-IMPD Deputy Chief Christopher Bailey

A couple of days ago the Indianapolis Police announced that they are tracking a group of 45 teenagers and young adults who have committed multiple acts of gun violence over the past year including murders, robberies and non-fatal assaults. They have been connected to at least 24 violent crimes, and in spite of a valiant effort by our police to be present and engaged in certain neighborhoods where violence is prevalent, they admit they can't stop this alone.

Deputy Chief Bailey says a part of the issue is that some parents are not even aware that their kids are running around town with guns in their hands.

Let's face it. These are generally young men who have not had a lot of advantages. But this is not a situation we can ignore. Anthony and Beatrice Beverly of Stop the Violence Indianapolis confront it every day. They run a youth program that interacts with almost 200 vulnerable and at-risk kids a year. So, here's another quotable quote: Said Beatrice, "If we don't get in front of it and we have to go to a funeral, we're a little too late."

With record deaths and growing gun violence, we don't have a choice but to get out in front of this. Stop the Violence needs mentors. Check it out now if you can help.


"...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

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241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


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