Jim's Quotes

Quote of the Month: August 2018

I try real hard not to get between a dog and a fire hydrant."-Anonymous Public EmployeeIt seems today that we all find ourselves in this difficult place. There is no room for differing views. Families are divided over politics, leading otherwise loving people to attack each other verbally as if they could change the minds of their loved ones by regarding them with contempt. Churches limit their involvement with other congregations which hold even slightly differing opinions on points of belief. It's as if we love, love, love to hate.Let's step back and take a breath. In Timothy 2:23-24 the Bible tells us: "Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments...[we] must be kind to everyone," Hold up your hand if you've been dragged into a foolish and stupid argument over anything lately.The thing is, we are all different, coming from different places, causing us to think different things. The Word demands that we respect others, ...
I try real hard not to get between a dog and a fire hydrant."

-Anonymous Public Employee

It seems today that we all find ourselves in this difficult place. There is no room for differing views. Families are divided over politics, leading otherwise loving people to attack each other verbally as if they could change the minds of their loved ones by regarding them with contempt. Churches limit their involvement with other congregations which hold even slightly differing opinions on points of belief. It's as if we love, love, love to hate.

Let's step back and take a breath. In Timothy 2:23-24 the Bible tells us: "Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments...[we] must be kind to everyone," Hold up your hand if you've been dragged into a foolish and stupid argument over anything lately.
The thing is, we are all different, coming from different places, causing us to think different things. The Word demands that we respect others, and that we control our speech and not cause division. James 1:26 tells us, if we call ourselves God's people, and do not control our tongues, our religion is worthless. (Even as we read this, our egos say: But we're RIGHT!) Truth is, nobody has all the answers. Let's all focus on loving people. Whoever they are, whatever they think. In the long run, only love prevails.


"...With God, all things are possible" - Matthew 19:26

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